Kapitel 8: Maßnahmen
8. Measures

8.g Cooperation with civil society organizations

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The funding of the National Coalition Germany by the BMFSFJ enables coordination of the Supplementary Report written by the member organisations as well as the Second Child Rights Report written by children and youths. Over the course of 18 months, the office has been able to collect and review the contributions of the 101 member organisations, and put these up for discussion at various events. The Second Child Rights Report documents the views of children and adolescents regarding the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

While composing the Supplementary Report, however, none of the content was discussed between civil-society representatives and the interministerial group of the German federal government, which was composing the State Report, led by BMFSFJ. Following the German federal government’s hearing in Geneva, it will be essential to cooperate with civil society to develop a strategy to apply the UN Committee’s recommendations for further implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

  • The National Coalition Germany recommends that the UN Committee call on the German federal government to
  • 21. Keep funding the National Coalition Germany in order to monitor and assess the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child from the perspective of civil-society organisations, and to continue to ensure children and adolescents are involved in reporting to the United Nations;
  • 22. Plan a follow-up process to comprehensively implement the UN Committee’s recommendations.
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